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What Is Ultraview LASIK | U Eye Laser Cosmetic

What Is UltraView LASIK

In a nutshell, UltraView LASIK is the U Eye Laser Cosmetic pledge to successful results and helping you achieve ultra definition vision. First, we employ the iDesign, the latest corneal topographer to capture the unique prescription of the eye.

This topographer, which captures 25x more detail than the previous generation, is the latest addition to the iLASIK suite of products designed to deliver superior results. Your visual prescription is as unique as your thumbprint – so it makes sense to use the technology that is most accurate in reflecting your uniqueness. Secondly during treatment, a bladeless approach to flap creation is initiated. Being Vaughan’s premiere laser eye clinic, the surgeons at UELC use the most advanced femtosecond laser on the market today – the iFS – which can quickly and safely create a blade-free flap in just 12 seconds! Once your unique prescription is programed into the VISX treatment laser, the accurate and advanced customVue excimer ablation is completed in less than 1 minute.

By coupling this advanced technology with our extensive experience, the staff and eye surgeons at U Eye Laser Cosmetic ensure we are Vaughan’s LASIK centre of excellence in delivering refractive solutions for your eyes, and UltraView LASIK is the product of that commitment.


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